
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mocha Mousse cake with Candied flowers

This cake was done for a coworker's birthday. I had wanted to try sugared flowers for some time now and this was a great opportunity. I had never realized that you could eat a pansy but I’m glad I tried. With a little care they came out quite well.

The chocolate cake and mousse is form my favorite recipes see . But add 2 shots of express, or two packages of starbucks via coffee dissolved in very hot water use only the smallest amount of water to dissolve the instant coffee, let cool a bit and add it in at the end. Also use a similar mixture to brush on the cakes as you stack each layer.

For the flowers:

Pick your favorite edible flowers; some of witch includes violets roses, nasturtiums, pansies, lilacs, carnations, cherry and apple blossoms – along with herb flowers like borage or lavender, rosemary and mint.

I chose pansies for this cake. I started by cleaning the flowers by dipping them in water and drying them gently. Do not use flowers that have already been sprayed! After your flowers are dry use a paintbrush to paint each petal front and back with egg whites. After one is painted dip in very fine sugar. I used a food processor to make my regular sugar a bit finer. Also it seemed to be easier to pour the sugar between the petals rather than simply dipping them. After the flower is coated lay it out to dry and harden overnight on wax paper.

Monday, February 21, 2011

A long overdue update

What’s new with me…well a lot has happened these last few months, both good and bad.

Starting with the bad. My aunt Sherri passed away unexpectedly leaving behind her 12 year old daughter. I wasn’t able to make it up for the funeral but I am planning on going up in the spring for a service at my grandmother’s house. It was hard not being there with my family but I was able to talk to them often and it sounds like they are doing better.

When you loose a loved one it really causes you to stop and think about how precious life really is. It really could be gone any minute. I’ve been pondering this off and on for the last two months. I’m a point in my life where I don’t really know what is next. I know I want to pass my tests and get licensed but other than that, what am I doing other than going to work everyday. This has helped me to push myself a little harder. One of my main goals to get things in order by the end of the year. I want to be debt free, licensed or close to it, and happy with the other things I wanted to accomplish for the year.

On a better note, I did find a job at a bakery! Last weekend was my first weekend at a little bakery down in Chesapeake. They are currently transitioning from a full service bakery just to custom cakes. I am lucky enough to be able to come in and help on the weekends. It is hard work and fast passed but I think something I am really going to enjoy. I am getting to decorate cakes that I would have never gotten to before, and learn skills I had only hoped to. My feet may be sore and I may not have any weekend plans anymore, but I think it is for the best, and will help me work towards paying off what I need to.

There have been some rumors that I am doing this to try to get out of Architecture. That is not the case at all! I’m doing it for the money and the experience. Between work, ELA, and studying I needed to find something different. And because I didn’t really want to serve again, I thought this would be fun.

Studying is going ok, with deadlines looming and cake decorating I’m finding little time to study. I have enrolled in a Structures seminar that meets every Tuesday night, so at least I am keeping up with that.

I have also started rock climbing with M1. We found out that if we go on Saturday nights we practically have the gym to ourselves. I can’t remember the last time I was as sore as I was after the first night but I loved it! I used to do it when I was younger and I’m really excited to be doing it again. I took all the sisters when they were in town last week and I think they had fun with it. M1 even came home the other night with two harnesses he got from a friend. We are going Wednesday night to try them out and hopefully get certified to climb on our own. I can’t wait!

I guess that pretty much sums it up for now, lots of work and little sleep, and little money…I kind of feel like I’m in college again.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lovey Dovey Cake

So I may hate Valentines day, but I do love this print by Charley Harper. I have been swamped at work lately but couldn't get this little cake out of my head (maybe because I have a card of the print hanging on my desk wall). I just had to try it out. Certain things could be cleaner, but all in all it was fun to make